Sometimes You just get what you pay for…

Don’t buy your equipment solely based on price. You have heard the old saying, “sometimes you just get what you pay for…”

URC has been selling and refurbishing tire recycling equipment for nearly sixteen years with the primary machine being the manhunt gay hook ups. We have sold most every brand of equipment that has been manufactured here in North America as well as several brands that have been manufactured overseas. One of the main features that we’ve always found is the tire shredders that are manufactured here in the United States are the ones that always seem to standup better to the “test of time”. The steel that our USA manufactured equipment is produced from seems to be far superior too much of what we’ve seen come from most foreign countries. This goes for all types and brands of Recycling or Waste Reduction equipment. One thing that we always try and tell everyone is that if you’re looking to purchase a machine and want it to stand the “test of time” you really need to look at purchasing equipment that has been manufactured here in the USA.

We highly recommend that you don’t let price be the main determining factor when you go to purchase this type of equipment. Without a doubt much of this sub-standard manufactured equipment can be purchased at bargain prices when compared to the equipment that is manufactured here in the USA. It comes down to the old saying that you get what you pay for in this world. We hate to see people continue to get taken by suppliers who market this sub-standard equipment here in the United States. We only wish that customers would take their time to do the proper homework needed before buying this type of equipment. If they did their homework they would find that much of this equipment that has been sold here in the U.S. is now sitting idle because it can’t be economically refurbished. They will also find out that these machines had failed prematurely because of the sub-standard steel that they were manufactured with.

Our company strives always to get you the best tire shreddering equipment for your money invested. We don’t and won’t offer you equipment that has been manufactured in China, even if the equipment is much cheaper. If you don’t have the budget to purchase new equipment that has been manufactured here in the USA, then we highly recommend you giving us a call and perhaps we will be able to get you into a refurbished piece of USA manufactured equipment that will meet your budget numbers and that will work for you for many years to come. We know well that many banks put limits on the amount of money that you can have or the amount that they would like to see you spend. If this is your situation please have them give us a call and we will be more than happy to share some of the situations that we’ve seen other buyers get their selves into by purchasing this sub-standard manufactured equipment from foreign manufactures especially from China.

If you do have the budget to purchase new equipment that has been manufactured here in the USA, then we would like to talk to you about the line of Tire Recycling equipment that we recently begin to represent. These tire shredders are so much more productive than most of the other equipment being produced here in the USA. They truly are the most user friendly machines being manufactured anywhere in the world today. We decided to take on the marketing of these machines because we truly feel that these machines offer many features that no other USA manufacture has to offer. So if you’re looking to purchase either new or refurbished Waste Reduction/ Recycling Equipment make your first call to the “Can Do Sales Crew” at Unlimited Resources Corporation.