Portable Granutech/ Saturn Model 62x40HT with classifier

We currently have this machine in our shop and are in the process of refurbishing this machine from top to bottom.  This equipment is all mounted onto a single drop, triple axel, 48’ long Aztec 100,000 lb trailer. First we are powering this unit with a 600 H.P. K19 Cummins powered 400 KW generator set with only 846 actual operating hours.  Then the Hydraulic power pac on this unit is powered by a 200 H.P. electric motor that is direct coupled to a Sauer-Danfoss Model  pump that is capable of producing 4,500 PSI.  This is used to power the brand new SAI hydraulic motor that drives the gear box on the completely refurbished Model 62 X 40HT Granutech/ Saturn shredder.  This shredder will have brand new (2) hook 2’ thick hard faced knives in the primary apart of the shredding chamber and (11) hook 1- ½” thick hardfaced knives in the secondary part of the shredding chamber.  making it into a very productive TDF chip system.  This unit will be completely rebuilt and be ready to take on the large clean-up projects.  This unit will be very productive and have much more torque than the typical 62 X 40HT shredder.  That is because we have changed out the low pressure (3000 PSI) hydraulic unit for one that operates at (4,500 PSI).  And also we changed out the standard 525 KYB hydraulic motor to the new style SAI  hydraulic motor which will take the higher (4,500 PSI) from the updated hydraulic power unit.  This shredder will have brand new hard-faced knives 2” thick 2 hook knives installed in the main part of the cutting chamber and new hard faced 1 ½” thick 12 hook knives installed in the secondary cutting chamber of the shredder.